... would it smell as sweet?
I wanted the name of this place, my space, to reflect not only my life, but also my larger outlook on life.
When I started writing here, this name reflected (to me) that my life was essentially what I always wanted: a long marriage, wonderful kids, being a stay-at-home mom. While these things were great you should know that, although I am an optimist, I'm also a solid realist, so my blog name was especially intended as a tongue-in-cheek commentary on how nobody's life is perfect, even if it is the one they wanted. Please note: You will find nothing Pinterest-worthy or resembling traditional white picket here.
Life is life, and as "white picket" as it may be on some days,
it's just not always rainbows and butterflies!
(also note: I am a huge music lover and Maroon 5 just got it right.)
I included that lyric with my blog name because it ties in how I believe that all parts of life should be shared and celebrated. And oh, man! There have been some changes in my life since I first wrote here. My kids are more wonderful than ever, but I'm now a divorced, working-and-going-to-graduate-school mom. (So I've got plenty of regular life to reflect on and share!)
Even if my life doesn't seem white picket to anyone else, I feel comfortable referring to it in that way because I believe we can always decide how we respond to our circumstances. When it comes right down to it I feel like I'll choose it, I'll live it and, in spite of the inevitable hard times, I do love it.
Thanks for stopping by.
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I'd love to see you there.