5 Things You Didn't Know About Me:
1. I was adopted at 10 days old.
2. The art of making gravy eludes me.
3. I love to take pictures of signs, trees, and the sky.
4. Grey is my favorite color. ("I felt so symbolic yesterday...")
5. I was scared of roller coasters until age 15. Now they just make me sick. :/
5 Things I'm Knowledgable About:
1. Baking Amazing Cakes.
2. Exercise & Physical Fitness.
3. How to Succesfully Fake Being Asleep.
4. Telling Other People How to Get & Stay Organized.
5. Neuropsychopharmacology. (aka: Drugs and Behavior)
5 Things I Know Nothing About:
1. Taking a good selfie.
2. God... The Universe... If there's an afterlife...
3. Eating less than 4 servings of Oreos in one sitting.
4. Why they don't make Bundt cake mixes with filling anymore.
5. How TV shows and voices can travel over wires. (seriously. it baffles me.)
5 Things I Believe:
1. Our thoughts can influence everything!
2. Children are worth it! (but they're not for everyone...)
3. Doing things just because you want to isn't selfish; it's healthy!
4. A good book, a glass of wine and a hot bath can save almost any day.
5. In Ghosts/Spirits/Angels (I can't reconcile this with my atheist leanings...)
I'd love to hear something about you! Or, ask me anything...
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